Best possible outcomes

Today, someone somewhere will hear of your organization for the first time.

What, do you hope, will be the ultimate best possible outcome from that first awareness?

  • That they'll bequeath a large gift to your mission in their will?

  • That they'll become a lifelong supporter and a vigorous advocate for your work?

  • That they'll take full advantage of all your services and therby better themselves and their community?

Not every person is a candidate for all of these.

But for each person, there is an ideal outcome that you can lead them toward...

... if you put in the time and effort to envision it.

... if you can plan out a pathway to guide them there.

... if you make a continual practice of leading them to the next step in that journey.

There is a path to enrichment for every single contact in your network.

Defining it, designing it, and nurturing it ... that's up to you.

All the best,


BS detector: Is it measurable?


The adventure of routine