Boeing 737

In yesterday’s email I offered you a Boeing 737 for $500,000. (No not really. Do I look like I have a Boeing 737? But I could offer you 17 free kittens!)

So why wouldn’t you buy that airplane? Those planes typically sell for something between $89 million and $135 million. At half-a-million dollars, that’s a steal!

But of course there are plenty of reasons not to take that deal:

  • You don’t need an airliner, and couldn’t use it — couldn’t even afford to use it — if you had one.

  • Oh, you could resell it for a profit? How many buyers do you know off-hand?

  • Meanwhile, that’s $500K out of your pocket that you could be putting to very good use.

Here’s the thing:

Just because something is a good deal in theory, doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for you, right now.

Whether that’s a 737, or a full-blown Salesforce implementation at “non-profit rates,” or an out-of-the-box open-source CRM with zero license fees — you still have to be able to use it, for identified business needs, with identifiable value.

All the best,


Vitamin N


Perfect and affordable? Wrong questions.