Careful novice versus master chef

A careful novice baker can turn out a pretty good pecan pie with a good recipe and a little practice.

A master chef can turn out a fantastic dessert with just about anything that's in the kitchen.

What's the difference?

One of them knows how to follow a recipe. The other one fully understands the underlying concepts in what they're doing.

When you're trying to get something done in your CRM, it can help to have a simple set of steps to follow for that one thing.

But if you want to maximize the value of your CRM system, you're going to get a lot farther by trying to understand the underlying strategy, tactics, and components of that system, and how and why it all works together.

What steps are you taking to become more than a recipe follower in your work?

All the best,



I don't think you're ready for this project


Mastering your tools