CiviCRM online community: the geeky side
Hey, I forgot to mention one more great online community resource, especially if you're the slightest bit technical:
“CiviCRM GitLab” (
This is CiviCRM’s online repository for code development, bug reports, and community planning.
Even if you're not a software developer, this is still a great resource for learning about new feature improvements and new bug fixes that are in the works — or completed.
And you don't have to be super technical to file a bug report either. If you're sure that CiviCRM should be behaving in a certain way and isn't, there may be an existing bug report that you can add to, or you can create one yourself.
Ultimately CiviCRM is just a bunch of code files.
Peeking into that world now and then is like learning a little more about your car’s engine or your household plumbing:
You don't always have to be the one to pull out the tools, but it can help to have some idea what's up when it's acting strangely.
All the best,