CiviCRM upgrades: why do it in-house
CiviCRM releases several new versions every month, and there’s a security release every few months.
You could hire an outside provider to do the upgrade for you.
But there are advantages to doing it in-house.
You control the timing.
You know what needs to be tested afterward (and there's always something to test afterward).
If your post upgrade testing shows that something is broken, and you need to revert to backup, then you also control the timing on that.
Upgrading CiviCRM can mean upgrading or disabling certain extensions. You, more than any outsider, are in the position to know which extensions you do or don't need.
Naturally, there's nothing that says you have to do this in-house.
It's just a question of how much you want to be in control of the systems that keep your organization running smoothly.
All the best,