Cleaning the corners

In my office at home I have a habit of leaving things in the corner that I expect to deal with “later.”

You know, things I ought to put away in another room, but can't be bothered just now. Amazon purchases I keep meaning to return. Stuff that doesn't really have a place yet, and I'm not sure if I'll want to keep it or throw it away.

Now and then, when I'm not beset by urgent tasks, I'll make a little time to clean the corner.

It's a simple task. I just go through things and make some quick decisions. It's even refreshing in a way, and when I'm done, I have a nice clean office again.

Here's the thing:

Most systems have “corners.” Little places where we leave things to be dealt with later.

In CiviCRM that could be things like:

  • Checking your system status messages for anything that might need attention.

  • Reviewing your extensions and deciding which if any really should be upgraded.

  • Scanning for duplicates and merging a few of them.

Sure, you can schedule time for things like this. And frankly, you shouldn't let those things go too long without attention.

But sometimes, when you have a minute, it's just nice to clean the corners.

All the best,


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