
Highway construction on my way to work has recently made a big impact on my morning commute. I don’t like it, but it’s beyond my control.

What is within my control is how I deal with it. I can scout an alternate route. I can use the drive time to soak up that audiobook I’ve been wanting to get through.

Here’s the thing:

Whatever your mission or current goals, you’ll find that there are always constraints that are beyond your control.

  • Time

  • Money

  • Manpower

  • Regulations and compliance

  • Security concerns

  • Stakeholder demands

  • Cash flow

  • Impending calendar dates

  • Uncertainty and lack of information

It’s tempting to be discouraged by these constraints, or merely to wave them off because “there are always constraints.”

On the other hand, because they always exist, you can get a lot out of identifying them, quantifying them, adjusting priorities for them — even turning them into opportunities.

Long commute? Why not an informative podcast or audiobook, to enrich your mind along the way?

Tough regulations and compliance requirements? Why not tout your excellent compliance to your donors, to demonstrate your commitment and inspire their support?

There will always be constraints. And there will always be a way to deal with them.

All the best,


Reality is imperfect


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