Customized systems need customized support
Your organization’s installation of CiviCRM is a unique system, because it's a combination of all these things:
Your CMS (Drupal? WordPress? Joomla? Backdrop?)
The specific version of CiviCRM
Your collection of extensions
Your collection of CMS plugins
Any custom extensions or plugins you may be running
Yout carefully configured user roles and permissions
All of your configurations for contribution pages, memberships, events, and more
Add to that your organization's own unique policies, programs, and practices, and you have a system that's like none other in the world.
The advantage here is that you get a system that's customized to work exactly as you need it to.
The challenge is that you'll sometimes hit a question that no one but you can answer.
Who do you look to when you need help with those difficult questions?
All the best,