How is it possible for an organization that's been using CiviCRM for years to find itself without a staff member who fully understands the system?
Two things, at least:
Career advancement
I'm working through this issue now with three of my clients.
Two of them have recently seen the departure of their primary CiviCRM in-house expert — one of them retired, and the other moved up to a higher position at a new employer. See yesterday's email for a description of the fix this leaves them in.
The third one knows that retirement is coming and is making plans now to do it better.
Here's the thing:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
If you can see it coming, it's worth planning for.
And when you add in the unforeseeable — health issues, accidents, sudden departures — it's worth planning for anyway.
What are you doing now to help ensure that your systems can survive the departure of a critical staff member?
All the best,