Duty to protect

In the business services world, where every client knows they have a bottom-line profit motive, providers may be able to support the success of their clients by just doing what they're told. Maybe.

But in the world of CiviCRM, that's not enough. In this world:

• Organizations are very often not run by business-minded folk;

• The organization itself does not exist to turn a profit;

• The definition of success for the organization is often hazy.

In such a world, providers who are dedicated to the success of their clients cannot afford to simply do what they're told.

Building features, conducting trainings, custom development, configuration, etc., all need to be tied to actual success metrics based on the mission and business goals of the organization.

And it's the provider’s duty to identify those measurable goals before diving in on billable work.

Anything less is a disservice.

All the best,


Nothing’s faster than paper


Jammed up with choices