Everything is a trade-off

How safe do you want to be? Do you want six locks on your house with six separate keys? Or would you rather have no locks so you can just come and go without having to fish around in your pocket?

Security and convenience are trade-offs.

How comfortable do you want to be? Do you want to fly first class on your vacation and stay at a five-star hotel? Or would you rather fly coach and stay at a hostel, so you can spend your money on more memorable adventures?

Comfort and expense are trade-offs.

In a world where time and resources are limited, which happens to be the world we live in, everything is a trade-off.

Here's the thing:

When selecting and designing your systems, you have to decide your priorities, and you may have to give up one thing to get another. There's no right answer. But you do have to make a choice.


Are you letting the perfect be the enemy of the good?


Are you feeling lucky?