Funding the mission

There's a lot of pressure any organization to stay solvent.

All of your event fees, your membership dues, your donor contributions, your incoming grants. Somebody has to make sure all of that adds up to more than the cost of doing business.

Don't forget, in the face of all that pressure: You're doing all this for a very good reason.

It's because you — as an organization, and hopefully as an individual within that organization — believe that you're helping people.

Who are you helping? How are you helping them? That's the mission.

Funding the mission is important, but don't forget, all that work is only valuable because it actually funds the mission of helping people.

As you go about your day, I hope you can take some pride and satisfaction in knowing that you're helping real people who really want your help.

All the best,


Measuring intangible value


ASAE article on measuring engagement