“How you can help”
Could you do me a favor and click on this button?
Thanks. (Yes, it's just an image, but thanks for playing along.)
Now, how about I ask you to click one of these? (Again, not real buttons.)
Can you feel the difference?
There's a significant increase in the amount of thinking you have to do before you can respond to my call to action.
Here's the thing:
The more choices you give your supporters about how best to help you, the more thinking they have to do before they can help.
As that number increases, more of them will put it off until later, and for many people “later” means “never.”
So make it easy for them. Give them one choice, if you can.
And if you must make it even a little harder, make sure you have a sound business case for it — know why you’re doing it and how it’s going to help your mission.
All the best,