Impact reporting
Donors, volunteers, and advocates want to believe that their contribution is going to bring substantial results to your mission.
Members want to believe that their membership will benefit them as well.
Do you have strategy in place to show them your measurable successes?
Here are four ways your organization can benefit from such a strategy:
Accountability: Stakeholders want to know that they're investment will be used well. Well structured impact reporting will show them exactly what you’re accomplishing in your mission.
Learning and Improvement: Careful measurement and reporting gives you the insights that you need to improve your programs and strategies over time.
Engagement: Transparent reporting and a track record of self-analysis will build trust and inspire participation from the people who power your work.
Funding: Measurable outcomes are some of the most critical information you can share with potential donors and grant funders, who need to see that their investment will support the outcomes they care about.
Fortunately, you’re running a CRM with the capacity to track and report on the things that matter.
It's up to you to put that to use in ways that will inspire participation from others.
All the best,