Knowing what you want
Sometimes I'm surprised by the number of people I see who seem not to know what they want.
Career decisions, relationship decisions, education decision, and business decisions.
Or I hear from people who say they want something, but they can't really tell me what it's going to get them or why they want it.
Here's the thing:
If you can't explain why you want something, then you're probably not really sure that you want it.
And if you don't really know what you're trying to achieve, why even bother starting?
CRM projects are expensive and risky: you're investing a lot of time, emotional energy, good will, and money. And all of those resources are always limited.
It's important to spend a little time figuring out what you want, and setting a goal or two to shoot for.
And if you can’t quite put your finger on it, then you’ve found your starting point: Identify the need, and identify even one thing that would help you move toward meeting that need.
Then set a measurable goal, and start working toward that goal.
Otherwise, how will you even know if you've succeeded?
All the best,