Learning that lasts

What I hear I may forget.

What I see I may remember.

But what I do I will know.

— Probably Xunzi

When you spot a gap in your understanding — say, about how your CRM works — and actually want to fill that gap, you've got some options:

  • Ask someone to explain it to you, or check the documentation; you'll get a verbal explanation.

  • Watch a video tutorial; you'll get a visual explanation.

  • Find someone who can guide you while you work through it yourself; you'll get a hands-on experience.

Any of them is much better than not knowing.

But which one is most likely not only to solve whatever need you have in the moment, but to give you an understanding that will empower you in the future?

Isn't it the one that gives you a memory of actually having solved the need yourself?

All the best,

P.S. The quote above is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but that seems unlikely.


Small bets


The map is not the territory