Likely CiviCRM event in Montreal, Feb 28 - March 1, 2024

According to this thread in the CiviCRM MatterMost chat, planning is now in the works for a CiviCRM event in Montreal next February/March:

... it's been a long time since we've had a face-to-face event in North-America! @cividesk and Symbiotic are considering organizing a 3-days event in Montreal with tentative dates of Wed, Feb 28th to Fri, March 1st. The first day would be aimed at end-users and feature presentations and workshops. The next 2 days would be aimed at developers and system administrators with a Sprint and workshops/discussions. ...

The event has not been officially announced yet, but responses in the thread have been very enthusiastic.

If you're anywhere close to Montreal, I recommend you save the date.

I'm planning to be there.

I hope you are too.

All the best,


Learning to ride a bike


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