Make it easy for them
Your staff probably don’t need to be fully trained on every part of your CRM in order to use it well.
As long as they know how to do their specific tasks, they'll be fine.
In fact, we all use complex systems everyday without really knowing how they work under the hood.
My kids know how to use our washing machine perfectly well. Of course if it ever needs repair, they definitely don't know enough to fix it.
But using it is just a matter of pushing a few buttons and understanding some basic principles.
Nobody needs to know how it all works under the surface in order to make it do what they want.
You can do that for your staff too.
The trick lies in understanding the tasks they need to do and then configuring the simplest possible set of features that will allow them to do it.
Naturally, that can can require some effort on your part.
But as an investment, it's usually a lot more effective than trying to train everybody on everything.
All the best,