Mastering CiviCRM

What does it really take to succeed with CiviCRM?

First let's define clearly what we do and do not mean by "succeed".

By success I do not mean any of the following:

  • Never hitting a challenge

  • instant gratification

  • perfection

Success means simply this: You have clear and measurable goals, and you achieve them.

And by "succeeding with CiviCRM", I do not mean that you will become the worldwide expert in this or any other system. Instead I mean that you will achieve valuable goals for your organization's mission, by leveraging what CiviCRM has to offer.

In my next several emails I'll elaborate on 10 critical elements of mastering CiviCRM.

In my many years of helping organizations nail their goals with CiviCRM, I've seen that the ones who are happiest with their systems are those who who make a habit of sticking to some or all of these points.

Here they are:

0. Winner's mindset
1. Focus on mission value
2. Investment vs expense
3. Simplifying
4. Designated in-house expert
5. Online documentation
6. Your own documentation
7. Online community
8. In person community
9. Professional help
10. Staying current with new developments

(Being able to count 10 is optional.)

I'll see you tomorrow, winner.

- A.


Mastering CiviCRM #0: Winner's mindset


Mysterious permission problems