Next Wednesday: security update for CiviCRM

CiviCRM has announced that they will drop a security release near the end of the day next Wednesday.

Soon after that, you should start to notice a critical warning in your CiviCRM system status page, to alert you that a security update is available.

I encourage you to schedule some time now so you're ready to apply that update soon after it is released.

  • If you're a Joinery hosting subscriber, I'll be handling this upgrade for you on Thursday or Friday. There's no action for you to take here.

  • If you're a subscriber to one of my coaching programs, and you're not sure how to apply this upgrade, I recommend that we schedule some time on Thursday or Friday to go through the upgrade process together. Please contact me to schedule that call.

  • I'm also available for a one-time coaching call anytime, in case you're not a coaching subscriber already and just want to work through this one upgrade together.

CiviCRM upgrades aren't difficult or scary, but they are different from upgrades to your other WordPress plugins or Drupal modules. You might at least want to check the documentation for grades under Drupal 9, Drupal 7, WordPress, or Joomla.

Here's the thing:

I don't usually recommend chasing the latest version of any software. It usually works better to upgrade only when you have a specific reason to do so.

But security fixes are at the top of that list of reasons.

You don't want to let this go by unattended.

All the best,


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