Return on investment

Obviously you have a limited budget: of time and of money, and of other things like trust, goodwill, and the interest of your supporters.

If you're going to expend some of that budget to get something done, do you at least know what you're hoping to get out of it?

Do you have a way to enumerate the value of what you'll get?

If you do, then you can calculate the return on investment that you're hoping for.

If you don't, one might wonder why you’re making this expenditure at all.

Here's the thing:

Sometimes we make a purchase just because it feels good. I bought a new pair of shoes last week that look great and feel great, and that's worth it for me.

But when you're spending large parts of an inherently limited budget, it can help a lot to know what you hope to get out of it, and what do you think that's worth.

Otherwise, you have no reason to expect a good return on investment, because you don't even know what return you're hoping for.

Remember, your resources are precious.

Wouldn't you like to have a reason to believe that you're spending them wisely?

All the best,


Scale and value


Easy things first