Selling belief
As a community-driven organization, you probably don't think much in terms of selling.
But there are two important things people want when they contribute to your mission:
To believe that your mission is worthwhile, and
To trust that you're actually able to further that mission.
From this perspective, what you're selling is a belief.
They may like you and your work, but if they don't believe it's important, they'll likely choose to invest their time and effort elsewhere.
They may care deeply about your cause, but if they don't quite trust that you'll make a significant difference, they'll look for a better way.
So it's important that your communications tell both stories:
Yes, there's a need. It is serious and pressing, and now is the time to act.
Yes, we are making a difference. We've already done this much, and we're on our way to doing this much more.
By telling specific and personal stories of the need, and by showing the measurable impact of your work, you'll give your contributors — volunteers, donors, members, and advocates — the confidence they need in your mission and in your organization.
If you don't tell them (or even better, show them), they’ll never know.
All the best,