Shared user accounts?

Your CiviCRM system is never going to limit the number of users you can have, or charge you more for adding more users.

So there's almost no reason to have multiple staff members or volunteers who log in with the same username.

On the other hand, if everyone logs in with a separate username, you get substantial advantages:

  • You can easily disable accounts that are no longer needed, so your system is more secure.

  • You can see who made which changes in the data, so your monitoring and training is more effective.

  • You can grant each user different permission levels, so no account has more permissions than it really needs.

I've seen a couple of organizations recently who assumed it was just easier to share user accounts.

It might seem so in the beginning, but user management is incredibly easy in all of the systems that run CiviCRM.

There's no real reason to give up the advantages of separate user accounts.

All the best,


CRM, and your mission


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