Staff spending their own money on training?!

"As a valued member of our team, you will be asked to complete tasks for which you have not been trained."

... said no job description ever.

But, you know, it happens. Sooner or later, all of us will probably be faced with tasks for which we've not been fully trained. That's part of the adventure.

"If you can't figure it out, you're on your own..."

Wait, what?

" ... There is no budget for training. Team members are encouraged to seek outside training at their own expense."

What the heck? Who would sign up for this?

Well, of course, nobody would. That's why job descriptions never say such things.

But ... the truth is ... it happens.

I know it happens, because some of these staffers come to me for help, ready to pay out of their own pockets so they can stop feeling like a failure when repeatedly given tasks that they haven't been trained for.

Are they your staff members?
Would you care if they were?
Would you even know that they needed help?

Here's the thing:

Check in on your people now and then. They could probably use some help.

And if they've got everything under control, they'll at least be encouraged you're checking in.

All the best,


Who’s in control?


"What’s wrong with this darned thing?"