The best resource for mastering CiviCRM: CiviCamp
CiviCRM has a fantastic online community. MatterMost for chat, StackExchange for getting questions answered, the official blog for news, even Twitter and GitLab (nice if you're a developer).
But if you ask me, in-person meetups are where the real magic happens.
When it comes to learning, contributing, and inspiring each other, nothing beats hanging out in real life with a bunch of other people who are working with the same tools to meet similar challenges achieve some of the goals.
Of course in-person gatherings for CiviCRM, as for everything else, took a big hit in the gloomy COVID lockdown days.
But they've been slowly making a comeback. CiviCamps, trainings, and developer sprints are coming up in 2023:
CiviCamp in Brussels, Belgium: June 2
CiviCamp in London, UK: June 20
CiviCamp and sprint in Leipzig, Germany: Sept. 11-14
CiviCamp, sprint, and training in Manchester, UK: Nov. 29 - Dec. 8
And great news for us here in North America: discussion is under way now for a CiviCamp in Ontario, Canada (currently looking at Toronto or Ottowa) in the Fall.
Here’s the thing:
I’m so impressed with the benefits of attending that I sponsor 50% of the event fee for my most active coaching clients. If they're that committed to mastering CiviCRM to further their mission, I want them to be at these events
If you can make it to one of these, you probably should.
It’s one of the best time investments you can make in leveraging CiviCRM to support your mission.
All the best,