The one-click unsubscribe requirement
One-click unsubscribe is one of the new requirements that Google and Yahoo are starting to enforce.
If you want your mass emails to land in the in-box for recipients at those providers, you’ll need to make sure you’re supporting this unsubscribe method.
Google says they’re requiring it for senders who send over 5,000 messages each day, but Yahoo just says they’re requiring it, period.
Fortunately, CiviCRM supports this, in versions 5.69.3 and higher.
This could be a good reason to upgrade CiviCRM, even though the latest security release is 5.65.0.
One you’re running CiviCRM 5.69.3 or higher, you can easily enable one-click unsubscribe like so:
Navigate to "Administer => CiviMail => Mailer Settings". This page displays the option "Unsubscribe Methods". Go ahead and enable all available methods:
It’s also a good idea to test this after you’ve made the changes. CiviCRM has provided online documentation covering steps to test this. It should just take a couple of minutes for you to verify.
Here’s the thing:
Crafting the very best email content for your subscribers is a usually well-placed investment, because it help you leverage the interest and good-will of your most ardent supporters.
But if you’re not landing in their in-box, they may just never see your messages.
That’s why it’s just as important — and valuable — to take the extra steps to make sure you’re in compliance with these new mass-mailing requirements.
All the best,