What you really want

Do you remember why you started in your work?

Maybe you thought you'd make a difference in the world.

Maybe you thought you could help the people you really care about.

Surely you thought at least this would be something you enjoy.

How's that going?

If it's going well, congratulations! You're either very lucky, or you've remembered to be careful about choosing goals that matter to you and plotting your own course to achieve them.

If it's not going so well, you have my sympathy.

You're in the same boat with a surprising number of leaders in community-driven organizations.

So what can you do about it?

What's one action you could take, today, to put yourself on track to start setting goals you care about, and to start making them happen?

If nothing comes to mind — if you can't think of even one thing off the top of your head — then I think you've found the one thing you can do:

Take 30 minutes today to be honest with yourself about what you really want in your work.

Just find a place to sit quietly and undistributed, turn off your phone, and contemplate honestly.

Of course, merely admitting to yourself what you really want is not enough to make it happen.

But it is a crucial first step.

All the best,


Dashboard lights


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