Where to make improvements

If you’re like me, you could probably list about a dozen things that you'd like to have a better version of.

House, car, health, free time, you name it.

It's the same with your business systems: Faster computers, more efficient staff, prettier website, cheaper office space, shorter meetings, whatever.

Most people can look at their CRM on any given day and find plenty of things they wish were easier, whether for their staff, their members, or their donors.

But resources are limited. Time and money are finite.

How can you pick which thing to improve?

Simple. Pick one that’s most likely to give you a measurable benefit, that you can point to afterwards and say, we improved this aspect of our operations by X percent over last year.

Here's the thing:

If you can't name the expected value of your proposed improvement, why even bother spending your limited resources to examine solutions for it?


Staying sharp


You don’t have to build it from scratch