You still have it when you give it away
You’re a hard worker and diligent learner.
You’re always looking to gain some new knowledge that will help you master your systems and reach your goals.
And you try to fill your team — small as it may be — with folks who have that same drive.
So, while you’re busy learning and improving, who else is gaining from your knowledge?
Are you sharing it with your team, in a way they can easily use it?
They’re as driven, and curious, and goal-oriented as you are.
Wouldn’t they be happy — and more effective — if they could access what you’re learning?
Funny thing, though:
Everything you've stored in your brain is still hiding there, unless you've recorded it somewhere and shared it with someone.
Skills and knowledge are like gold for your team. If you’ve got it, find a way to share it. Unlike actual gold, you don’t lose it when you give it away.
All the best,