Your CRM strategy
How would you describe your CRM strategy?
Have you written it down?
Could you summarize it in a sentence or two?
If you can't articulate it, are you sure it exists?
Here are some things that a strong CRM strategy will identify:
The audience you want to reach.
The specific reasons you want to reach them.
The progression through which you plan to take them, from first contact to the highest level of engagement.
Your organization’s short-term and long-term goals, and how reaching your audience will help you achieve those goals.
How your outreach plan will play to your organization's strengths and bolster your weaknesses.
Here’s the thing:
You'll notice I didn't say anything about software, events, mass mailings, or websites.
Those are just tools.
And CRM is not about tools.
It's about relationships.
All the best,