Zoom out

Can you tell me what this is?

Probably not.

It's an everyday object, but this picture is zoomed in too tightly to provide enough context.

To understand what's going on, you'd have to zoom out — a lot.

Then it’s easy:

Here’s the thing:

When a problem is big and in your face, the immediate symptoms can take up all of your attention.

So it can be hard to understand what could possibly be causing it.

When that happens, take a moment and mentally “zoom out”. Consider all the elements — human and technological — that could contribute to the undesirable situation, or to a more desirable outcome.

Gather clues. Check your assumptions. Step back and try to take in the whole picture.

You’ll have a much better chance at identifying the cause, and then working toward a solution.

All the best,

P.S. If you like these photos, check out Lenstore’s “Close-Up” challenge, from whence they came.


Getting organized


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