Bike sheds

They say that if a committee were tasked with the creation of a nuclear power plant, very few committee members would presume to question the design plans for the reactor itself.

But if the plant designs include a shed where employees can park their bikes, every committee member will have a strong opinions on what color it should be.

... and let the arguments begin.

It's really a good thing in the human character. We want to leave our mark, make our contribution, feel that we’re doing our part. Even over fairly small details.

But, if it delays the project, you've got trouble.

Here's the thing:

Getting bogged down in insignificant detail generates delays, mental stress, and ill will — all of which are unnecessary costs.

If you've got a project in the works, get it done. Focus on the big, important pieces that you know you'll need.

For the rest, make a reasonable choice and move on.

You can always repaint that bike shed.

All the best,


Asking for directions


The value you give