Complex or simple: your choice

I have clients whose CRM system is pretty much on autopilot, and I hear from them once a year or even less, because it's just working for them.

I have other clients who are constantly trying to improve their systems, their programs, their team workflows, and their membership offerings; and for them it's a constant but worthwhile effort to keep their system configured according to their needs.

In between, I have clients who are constantly improving (i.e., changing) their policies and procedures, but who still assume that their robust and flexible CRM system should "just work" for them and they don’t need to think about it much. These folks are struggling, to one degree or another, because their experience hasn't matched their expectations.

Here's the thing:

A simple tool is easy to use but does only a few things very well.

A complex tool can be made to do many things well, but requires more effort to master.

CiviCRM can be either of those things. But, like most things, it can't be both at the same time.

Complexity and simplicity each have their place.

If you know which one you're aiming for, you can usually appreciate both the benefits and the limitations.

But trying to have them both is not usually a recipe for success.

All the best,



