CRM strategy: delivering value
How are you delivering value to your members?
As a member-driven organization, there's no question that you need members to be engaged in your work. Members support your work through dues, volunteering, and advocacy. And you serve them directly, as a core element of your mission.
But why would they want to give you their time, or their money?
It's because you're giving them something valuable in return.
Because you're also competing with a thousand other interests in your members' lives. Every second they spend engaging with you — reading your emails, attending events, volunteering, whatever — could be spent on other activities they value: time with their own business network, time with their family, entertainment, personal development, etc.
Here's the thing:
If you want more member engagement — more renewals, more volunteering, more mission advocacy, anything — the key lies in delivering more value.
Fortunately, that doesn't have to mean more work for you. But it probably does mean more strategic use of your limited resources.
And your CRM can help you make that happen. Let's talk about that tomorrow.
All the best,