Don’t forget the R

If you're running a CRM for your organization, we can pretty safely assume you want it to help you Manage Relationships with your Constituents.

Managing a relationship is a real and specific thing.

And it's not exactly equivalent to...

  • Collecting names and addresses,

  • Receiving donations,

  • Accepting event registration,

  • Running reports,

  • or any of that stuff.

Sure, of that can help you, but managing a relationship means...

  • Thinking of another person's interests and well-being.

  • Checking in on them to see how they're doing.

  • Letting them know that you care about them.

  • Trying to understand what they aspire to.

  • Communicating what you aspire to and inviting them to come along.

  • And all of that stuff.

Here's the thing:

You've got this great CRM tool at your disposal.

If you're not using it to actually build relationships with your constituents ... then your CRM is not of much use to you.

How are you nurturing relationships with your constituents?

All the best,


CiviCRM security release


Introducing CiviAcademy