Introducing CiviAcademy

You’re probably pretty familiar with the basics of CiviCRM already.

But when you’re bringing on new people to your team, you still need to get them up to speed — quickly, but effectively.

To help with that, you might want to consider CiviAcademy, which was just announced to a limited audience today.

Here’s the announcement from CiviCRM:

We’re excited to introduce a new initiative that should be coming online around the 1st of July: CiviAcademy. Long time partner CiviTeacher and the Core Team have joined forces to produce and maintain a series of videos focused on introducing the in's and out's of CiviCRM to new users.

CiviAcademy will focus on out-of-the-box functionality of CiviCRM, providing instruction and example use cases for much of the most important and sometimes complex features, such as price sets, memberships, mailings, payment processing, and more. The purpose of this video library is to assist new users and to help them gain proficiency and confidence while using CiviCRM.

Access to CiviAcademy will involve a single lifetime subscription available at It will be a free resource for CiviCRM members. A more formal announcement is forthcoming.

Sounds fantastic to me!

I’ll update you here when it goes live, and I hope you’ll keep it in mind for building up the effectiveness of your team!

All the best,


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