Easy decisions
The difference between a hard decision and an easy one usually comes down to your assessment of cost versus benefit, or difficulty versus value.
Take a look at this matrix:
We can make fairly easy decisions for something that is high value and low difficulty, or low value and high difficulty.
In between those extremes, you can lose a lot of time and energy wrestling with the possibilities.
Don't do it.
Try this instead:
If it's low value, it doesn't matter how easy it is. Either do it, or don't do it, but decide quickly and move on. You've got bigger fish to fry.
If it's high value, but still seems too hard, take a minute to consider some alternatives: Maybe you don't really need everything you thought you needed. Maybe you could get most of the same value by just doing something easier.
Here's the thing:
Your brain has to make thousands of decisions every day. You don't even think about the easy ones. But there are more hard ones than you would like.
Pick your battles. Look for the value. Remember that no solution is perfect, but real value is attainable.
This applies to your fundraising strategy, your membership engagement, even to practical matters like making your CRM do exactly what you want.
Remember what your goal is. They're surely more than one way to get there.
All the best,