Tasks and goals

Every day, tasks come to me.

They seem to find me, whether I want them or not.

It's like they're chasing me, with their demands, and their deadlines, and their requirements.

I fight through them one by one, and cross each one off my list like the names of defeated enemies.

I know the next day there will be more.

Goals are more elusive.

I must seek them out. Identify them. Name them. And plot to attain them.

Goals don't chase me.

I chase them.

And when I attain them they are not defeated enemies but dear friends.

I pin them up on the wall like medals.

I rejoice in their accomplishment.

I reflect on them with pride.

Goals and tasks.

Both require my labor, my time, my careful attention.

But it's the goals that give me joy.

And if I'm not careful, the tasks will soak up all that I can give.

So I'm careful to remember that the tasks will always find me, but it's up to me to find the goals.

All the best,


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