Good goals are a little scary

Are you afraid of setting goals?

You probably are, at least a little. That would be normal.

In fact, good goals should be a little scary.

After all, setting a goal means defining some standard by which your work can be judged.

And that means you might fail.

So you'll need to face some fears:

  • Fear of responsibility

  • Fear of embarrassment

  • Fear of real work

  • Fear of real change

All that fear is the reason most people have dreams but aren't pursuing realistic goals to achieve them.

If you find that you have big dreams without corresponding measurable goals, ask yourself:

Which of those four fears might be stopping you?

Just naming that fear honestly is a starting point to overcoming the fear, setting the goal, and putting in the work to make it happen.

All the best,


Slapping mosquitoes


The project that isn’t