I’m going to CiviCRM Manchester

I've said it more than once on this list:

In-person events are the absolute best bang-for-buck investment you can make in your journey to mastering CiviCRM.

That’s why I’m going to CiviCRM Manchester, which happens this year from November 29th to December 8th, in Manchester, England.

Over a period of 10 days, the event will include several components:

  • Admin training: two days of training for CiviCRM administrators, on November 29th & 30th

  • CiviCamp: a one-day conference for all users of CiviCRM, on December 1st

  • Developer training: two days of training for CiviCRM developers on December 2nd and 3rd

  • Sprint: a week-long residential event to improve and develop CiviCRM, December 2nd - 8th

Manchester is pretty far from North Texas, but until we start having more North American events, I believe it's worth my time and effort to make the trip.

Depending on your location, your schedule, your taste for adventure, and your desire to learn more and connect with the community, it just might be worth your time and effort too.

All the best,


Hard problems


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