Web hosting for CiviCRM
I got a couple of questions last week about hosting, which I'll summarize like so:
We're looking to get started with CiviCRM but are wondering about the hosting requirements. Can we use our current hosting provider or do we need something special?
The short answer is this:
If you're already running WordPress or Drupal, you can probably just install CiviCRM on that site and things should be fine.
That's especially true when you're just starting out.
Later on you may find that you have special needs as your constituent base and use of the CRM grows. But there's no point in doing anything fancy until you need it.
If you're really looking for something that will be sure to support CiviCRM, you might try one of these options:
CiviHosting: These guys have a good reputation in the community, and they work hard to ensure their hosting is well configured for WordPress, Drupal, and CiviCRM. They've also got really low prices.
Your CiviCRM specialist can surely recommend a hosting package for you. Many CiviCRM specialists offer their own hosting packages. Here at Joinery, for example, my team provides hosting for many of my clients.
The CiviCRM Partners directory includes listings for partners who specifically focus on providing good hosting for CiviCRM sites.
Here's the thing:
Web hosting, even for CiviCRM, is usually not a big decision.
Switching from one host to another is typically a simple affair. You'll probably need a little technical help, but it's a well-worn path that any skilled CiviCRM specialist could handle for you.
Since you can pretty easily change later on, you probably shouldn't let yourself be delayed by this question.
It's more important to get started with almost anything, rather than spend too much time looking for the "perfect" hosting package.
If you have questions about it, shoot me a reply and I'll be glad to elaborate further.
All the best,