Improving CiviCRM

You might be already planning to attend CiviCon 2025 in May, or at least considering it.

Have you thought about attending the post-conference Sprint too?

What is this Sprint?

The Sprint is a residential working retreat, where writers and users gather to focus on improving the software and its documentation, aiming to make the whole system better for everyone.

It's casual, friendly, and fun, with good food, accommodations, and great people.

Most of us will be in it for the full five days. Some will just stay for a day or two.

Most of us will be CiviCRM professionals: partners, providers, developers. Some will be CiviCRM users and administrators from organizations that rely heavily on the CRM and want to see it continue improving.

Should you attend?

That's up to you, of course.

But if your work depends heavily on this software and the community that supports it, attending the Sprint could well be a worthwhile way to improve the software and to build relationshisp with others in the community.

All the best,


Teaching, to learn.


“Is that even possible?”