Teaching, to learn.

Have you ever presented at a conference? If so, I'm betting you got a lot more out of it than just having your name on the program.

It's surprising at first, but I've found:

Teaching someone about a topic actually gives me a better understanding of the thing itself.

Have you noticed that? How does that even work?!

What's even better is explaining the same thing to many different people:

First, I have to think once again about the underlying principles at play. But then I also have to think about how to explain it from yet another viewpoint.

I've had this experience on all kinds of topics:

  • playing the guitar,

  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu,

  • academic topics like history and biology,

  • and of course the business and CRM topics we explore on this list.

You've probably had this experience too:

  • With family members

  • With your staff

  • With your members, event participants, and other constituents.

Teaching is, counterintuitively, a wonderful learning experience.

It's just another example of how giving value to others gets us something we value ourselves.

Here's the thing:

If you're planning to attend CiviCon 2025 in May, you could get a lot out of that event by giving a presentation while you're there.

I know, that can be an intimidating prospect if you've never spoken at a conference before. It certainly was for me, the first time.

But the truth is, you do have a unique perspective. You have stories to tell, wisdom to share, insights people want to hear.

And sharing those with others is a remarkably effective way to increase your own understanding of them for yourself.

Give it some thought.

And if you'd like help fleshing out a topic, hit me up. I believe you've got something to share, and I'll gladly help you find a way to share it.

All the best,


Improving CiviCRM