Missed some emails?

I learned today that many list members haven’t been receiving the emails for some time now.

In case that affected you, here’s a quick catch-up on what you might have missed:

  • Identifying a goal

    Friend of the list Rose Lanigan wrote in with a great response (shared with permission) about setting goals and taking care of aspirations … [read more]

  • Ready for anything

    Life is full of surprises, so it's important to be ready for anything. A word like “anything,” though, is incredibly broad. And there are any number of ways to “be ready.” … [read more]

  • Snowplows?

    My little North Texas town got about seven inches of snow one day of last week. My county road crew, as far as I know, does not own a single snow plow. … [read more]

  • Texas is not Minnesota

    Of course my local road department could get one of these to plow the snow. But is it worth it? …[read more]

  • Spare keys

    Would you let me make 100 spare keys to your house and scatter them around your neighborhood? … [read more]

  • Rookie mistakes

    The folks at CivAcademy have put together a great little video on their most frequently encountered CiviCRM rookie mistakes. … [read more]

  • Easy vs hard?

    When you have several things on your to-do list, some of them will be harder than others. But “easy versus hard” is not the most important question here. The more useful question is … [read more]

  • Forklifts are risky

    Driving a forklift is not especially hard. But just for laughs, head over to YouTube and search “forklift fail.” It’s warehouse mayhem and destruction. That’s why operators are given training … [read more]

  • Email passwords matter

    Weak email passwords can punch a big hole in your security. … [read more]

  • Slow news day: CiviCRM version 6, and Standalone CiviCRM

    In the next few months, you might start to hear more about a couple of developments in CiviCRM that sound like they might be a big deal … [read more]

Thanks to the folks who chimed in and let me know about the problem.

It’s resolved now, so everybody should be getting the emails they signed up for!

All the best,


CiviCon 2025: Registration is open


Slow news day: CiviCRM version 6, and Standalone CiviCRM