New extension: Contact Dashboard Tabs

CiviCRM’s contact dashboard is a great way to let your logged-in contacts see a quick summary of their recurring contributions, activities, even registrations, etc.

Unfortunately, the shear volume of information in the dashboard can be a little overwhelming.

To solve that problem, the Florida Public Pension Trustees Association sponsored the creation of the Contact Dashboard Tabs extension. It collapses all the dashboard sections into tabs, making the whole thing a lot easier to use, like so:

It also allows for inserting one or more profiles as read only sections into the dashboard. With that, they're able to show their contacts important information about their membership status that isn't usually available in the contact dashboard.

If that sounds useful to you, take a look at the extension’s listing in the CiviCRM Extensions Directory.

It’s just another way that the CiviCRM community is working together to make life easier for your consituents and staff.

All the best,


Standing ovations


It’s the outcome