Peer fundraising

Do your donors care about your cause? Do they trust your organization to make a difference in that cause?

Obviously they do. Otherwise they wouldn't be donors.

The next question is, are they proud to be supporting you? Would they like their friends and family to know about your work? Would they actually enjoy connecting more people to your work?

That's not quite a certainty, but there's a good chance many of them do feel just that way.

With that in mind, how much thought have you giving to a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign?

I've seen it used to great effect:

  • The youth drum corps (my client) that's had its participants successfully fundraising for summer tour expenses for many years.

  • The national political party (my client) that's raising funds for local candidates via "help me support my candidate" pages.

  • The nationwide jiu-jitsu tournament organization that allows competitors to raise funds for cancer-fighting charities (not my client, but I am a fundraising competitor).

In case you didn't know, CiviCRM has the features to support such a campaign.

Of course, a successful campaign is based on good planning and communication, not just good features.

But if the features are there, and if you think your donors could be motivated, a well executed campaign could be a big win for you.

Surely it's worth considering.

All the best,


The price is not the value


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