Reasons not to use CiviCRM: no money, no time.
Here's another reason you might not want to use CiviCRM: you have literally no budget of time or money.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Sometimes you have to start very small.
As in: “I really care about this cause but I have no funding and only a few hours a week to work on it.”
That's a fine place to start.
But if that's where you are, you probably don't have a business case for a robust system like your own installation of CiviCRM.
Because somebody's going to have to maintain that installation. And configure it to be right for your needs.
If you don't have time to do that — and to learn how to do it — and you don't have a budget to hire someone who can help you, then you're not going to have a good time.
But here's the thing:
You don't have to let that stop you.
You are where you are. The resources you have are the resources you have.
You can still raise funds, promote your cause, build a network of like-minded individuals. And when the time comes, you can invest in better systems.
The point is to understand your own goals, and to find a way to reach them with your own limited resources.
You will always have to do that. Everybody always has to do that.
All the best,