Sometimes slower is better

CiviCRM charges no fees for its upgrade releases, which come out at least once a month.

So you can upgrade as frequently as you like, for free.

So why would anybody pay for the ability to upgrade less frequently?

Maybe you didn't even know that was an option. But the CiviCRM project offers an Extended Security Release plan, and many organizations pay between $20 and $100 a month for the privilege.

The reason is simple:

Upgrades that add new features can also introduce conflicts with your extensions, and other bugs. It’s just a reality of ongoing development in an active software project.

Having an easy way to get the latest security fixes without introducing those potential bugs is a genuine benefit.

Here's the thing:

Always sticking with the latest cutting edge version does have drawbacks, to the extent that some people are willing to pay to avoid such problems.

You definitely want to get the latest security fixes, but it's wise to consider the potential downside of always chasing the latest version.

Sometimes, slower is better.

All the best,


Nothing solves everything

