The best time to get an answer is...

The best time to get an answer is...

... when you have a question.

Something magical happens when we're curious.

There's a gap in our knowledge. We see it. And we feel the need to fill it.

In that moment, there's a little space open in the reference library of our mind — a little spot already mapped out in the structure of our learning, so we’ll be able to find it easily later on.

And it's just waiting to be filled with good information.

That's the beauty of curiosity: it's like a little signal flare that pops off at the times when your brain is most receptive to new info.

When my coaching clients reach out to me with specific real-world questions, in the moments when they need the answers, that makes for some of the most effective instructional time we could have together.

Hopefully, when that little light goes on for you, you've got someone you can reach out to and get your questions answered.

All the best,


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