Training vs oversight

Getting results with CiviCRM requires that you master its functionality.

That comes through training, and practice. It's just a technical skill.

You can be self-taught, or you can get help, like my CiviCRM Success Coaching program.

But there's something else you need: oversight. Somebody has to be responsible that your CRM is well configured, well used, and well maintained.

That's pretty hard to outsource.

You need someone who knows your programs, policies, and goals. And that usually means someone who's inside your organization.

Here's the thing:

You can have someone from the outside help you master the technical skill.

But someone on the inside has to be sure those skills are used appropriately for your organization's goals.

If you don't know who that is, it's worth putting some thought into.

All the best,


Handling a win


Nothing solves everything